What happens when two opposing forces do not reject each other, but meet?
Parallelograms are meeting point, a space between two lines that do not intersect but, by being continuous, give rise to something greater. Like yin and yang, the opposites are not separate extremes, but parts of a whole that merge in the same space. This series is a luminous experience where the simplicity of two lines gives way to the adverse.
Through the physical act of folding, two lines are created: one seems to rise and the other to descend, generating a curve between them. These come to life through the light. It becomes a fluid landscape where light not only illuminates, but also expands the limits of the form. In that continuity and in the tension of opposites, the light fades from shadow to light, revealing a balance in which both sides complete each other. The transition of tones is not abrupt, but a fusion that suggests movement. Each piece is a fragment of something else, a piece of some puzzle.
Paralelogramas is a game of contrasts that creates a space of convergence in which light ceases to be an external element and becomes the very material of the work.