A selection of works and artists for whom photography is a field of discursive articulation, an arena for the construction of representations that interact through two-dimensional and three-dimensional devices, absent of movement or immersed in the conventions of audiovisual language. In any case, photography is treated as a space for research and experimentation, rather than a mere visual device.
The intention is to propose an exchange of interpretations, approaches and conceptualizations about the image that incorporate photographs or elements of this medium to be processed, re-signified and returned as part of a critical reading both from a formal perspective and in the field of signs, their various characterizations (index, icon or symbol) and the implications that they reveal to the viewer through the themes that feed each of the proposals of the participating artists.
The exhibition will be made up of works by Mexican artists and artists residing in the country from different generations. There is an emphasis on the production of creators from the north of the Republic, as well as in the diversity of media that make up the selection of pieces.
Participating Artist: Colectivo Estética Unisex (México – Colombia); Edgar Durán (Ciudad de México, 1982); Lorena Estrada Quiroga (Nuevo León, México, 1970) y Futuro Moncada (Colombia, 1971); Julie Escoffier (Francia, 1989); Carlos Iván Hernández (Ciudad de México, 1984); Alfredo Káram (Sonora, México, 1980); Ilán Lieberman (Ciudad de México, 1969); Michael López Murillo (Colombia, 1973); Jason Mena (Puerto Rico, 1974); Fabiola Menchelli (Ciudad de México, 1983); Andrés Felipe Orjuela (Colombia, 1985); Miguel Ángel Ortega Bugarín (Jalisco, México, 1982); Marta María Pérez Bravo (Cuba, 1959); Roberto Salazar (Nuevo León, México, 1978); Pavka Segura (Ciudad de México, 1971); Wolfgang Scholz (Alemania, 1958); Isaac Torres (Ciudad de México, 1982); Marco Treviño (Monterrey, Nuevo León, México, 1986); David Vera (Sonora, México, 1989).
Proyecto apoyado por el Fondo Nacional para la Cultura y las Artes y por el Museo Universitario del Chopo.

Proyecto apoyado por el Fondo Nacional para la Cultura y las Artes y por el Museo Universitario del Chopo.